Awesome Kawaii Gifts For Your Friends

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Awesome Kawaii Gifts For Your Friends

If you’ve seen the influx of cute phone covers, you might be forgiven for thinking Kawaii gifts are entirely confined to the smartphone accessories market. Not the case!

Kawaii is a way of life. Its mission is to boldly cute as nothing has cut before! Kawaii designs are unapologetically in-your-face and colorful. There isn’t a hard and fast rule any single design must adhere to. But you definitely know it when you see it!

In the following article, we’ll be discussing some of the great kawaii gifts that you can give that have nothing to do with saving your phone from fumbling fingers. No, these are outside-the-box presents with the same sense of cutesy cool. Let’s begin!   

Need Great Ideas for Adorable Character Gifts?

Kawaii characters are integral to the gift exchange. The vast majority will “characterize” the core design, usually around the cutest animals. For that reason, you’re going to find quite a bit more in the character gift department than non-character gifts. We’ll have a little of both, but let’s start with the personalities, shall we?

Sun Angel Pill Pens for Nurses and Nursing Students

Kawaii School Supplies

Nurses see and endure a lot of things. Things that would send the vast majority of us running for the hills before we ever had a chance to know what was going on. And that’s before they even start working!

Whether you’ve got a nurse or a future nurse in your circle of friends, consider bringing a little lightheartedness and a lot of squishy cuteness to their day with this set of small pill-shaped pens, each with a smile and their own beautiful shade of gel ink.

These are easy-to-carry for those busy days in the ER, and they are pretty good at interjecting a quick smile into a hectic moment. And the knowledge they came from you will mean so much to your favorite healthcare professional in their greatest times of need.

Buy the Sun Angel Pill Pens here!


Zakally Horror Squeeze Toy

Horror can always have a sense of fun. That’s something that becomes immediately clear when you look at Zakally’s mish-mash of the dark side and the cuteness of kawaii. This little guy is so adorable you’ll want to immediately squeeze him.

Be careful, though! Doing so turns him into a pint-sized Leatherface. However, the heart in the center of the stitching brings some cheeriness to the proceedings, even as the stresses of your day begin to add up. It’s the perfect gift for that fan whose tastes intersect between Sailor Moon and the Frankenstein Monster.

Buy the Zakally Horror Squeeze Toy here!


HuanX35 Candy Color Notebooks

These travelers’ journals from HuanX35 narrowly avoid being classified into the non-character section thanks to the cheery faces on the cover. What makes them kawaii are those bright colors and the freedom of expression they provide, inside and out.

Wide-ruled pages are so easy to write on that you’re liable to find yourself burning through one after the other with record speed. No worries, though. They come eight to a set.

Buy the HuanX35 Candy Color Notebooks here!

BALMOA Animal Socks

The BALMOA Animal Socks are the perfect cover for your feet the next time you want to stay in and Netflix all day. They’d also look great with a short colorful skirt and your favorite pair of sneakers for that next shopping trip.

The set is adorned with all kinds of cute critters, from the farmlands to the Arctic tundra. Piggies, penguins, pandas, and more. BALMOA pulled out all the stops and stitched them into high-quality cotton that’ll last a long time before any noticeable signs of wear take hold.

Buy the BALMOA Animal Socks here!

Pandacorn T-Shirt

A panda and a unicorn rolled together into one spectacularly majestic creature. If only this creature existed in the real world! Until then, the adorable t-shirt should do the trick. Give this to your friend at their next birthday party and watch all the other gift-givers hang their heads in shame.


Pawstar Cheshire Cat Hoodie

Part gangster, part cuddly-wuddly Cheshire cat, this hoodie is perfect for cold winter days or those times when your teacher refuses to turn down the air conditioner even though half the class is shivering.

The Cat Hoodie comes in two primary color schemes: pink and purple (meow!) or grey and turquoise (attack!). Either one is great depending on your mood, and the fluffy ears at the top absolutely sell the kawaii factor.


Best Kawaii Gifts Without Characters

Characters don’t have the market cornered on cute gifts, and that’s true even where kawaii is concerned. To close out, let’s now look at some gift ideas that forgo the cuddly for the sweet (and only sometimes incorporate those cute little faces).

Kawaii Soybean Stress Relieving Keychain

We don’t have to say it. Could anything be cuter than these?! These keychains feature a little edamame pod and the little beans come out to play too. These are adorable and functional as a stress reliever and a fidget toy. Need to focus? Pop those little beans in and out and get your life in order.


Mini Avocado Necklace

Best friend Avocado neclace

The only thing better than this Mini Avocado Necklace would be the actual slice yumminess itself. But at least here, you won’t be taking in the high, yet healthy, calories, and you’ll be wearing a piece of jewelry your friends will envy. Don’t be surprised, though, if you start craving more avotoast. Use with caution.

Buy the Mini Avocado Necklace here!


Starbucks Coffee Cup Earrings

Without Starbucks, there is no Life. So why not honor everyone’s favorite coffee Mecca by wearing a set of these Starbucks coffee cup earrings the next time you find yourself in the Starbucks Drive-Thru (which is pretty much every day if you’re being honest). 


Kawaii Gifts Bring Friends Closer

Kawaii gifts make for the best gift ideas. That’s because your friends will rarely see them coming. In fact, the first thought on anyone’s mind: why didn’t I think of that? Probably right behind, Where in the world did that come from?

At AvoToasted, we know. And we’re inviting you to look at more than we’ve dug up. Prepare yourself. Maximum cuteness levels will be reached!

Looking for more kawaii cuteness? Read our 2021 guide to the top kawaii characters here.

Written by Colleen

Beard lover | Theatre Geek | Writer | Loves to Laugh | Persistent Dreamer
I love style, fashion, and interior design. My goal is to bring you all the best things since avocado toast. From seemingly useless gadgets to the newest style of hat for your upcoming vacation, come to AvoToasted first for the latest trends.

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