Rebecca Kelly is a freelance content writer and SEO researcher. She’s published as a ghostwriter on hundreds of blogs around the internet. And as a living, breathing person on websites like,, and Some phrases that describe her: lover of makeup, random Googler, an advocate of quirky fashion for women of all sizes, sports fanatic, space nerd, book devourer, and camper extraordinaire.
Born in south Texas in the 1980s, Rebecca is an only child. She grew up in the swampy heat of Weslaco, TX, a mere, 40-minute drive from the beaches of South Padre Island. After graduating from Weslaco High School, she attended Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX, where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Advertising and a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA).
While working on her MBA, she spent six weeks at a study abroad program in the heart of the Italian wine country. She lived and attended class inside a centuries-old castle, overlooking the postcard-perfect village of Asolo, north of Venice. During her stay in Europe, she ate gazpacho in Budapest, sampled brews at the famed Hofbrauhaus of Munich, and stood in awe under Bernini’s Baldacchino at la Basilica di San Pietro in Rome.
A funny thing happened to her in Italy… she met her future husband. They married in 2006 in Minnesota, where he’s from, and they now live in rural Minnesota with their two kids, three dogs, and 16 chickens (free-range, of course).
Rebecca’s current project is a science fiction novel dealing with a woman’s quest for survival, companionship, and a new life in the lonely void of space. Contact her at for questions, comments, concerns, makeup advice, or if you’d like to know more about “glamping” or day-to-day life in low Earth orbit.
Hey! You there! Are you a plus sized hipster? Men and women both can embrace their hipster curvy selves and find a voice in fashion. Read on to learn more!
Nut oil has been around for thousands of years. Healthy nut oils keep your hair strong, your gut healthy, and helps fend off skin ailments like psoriasis. This is your complete guide to nut oils.
They come in every color, shape, and size. More than cute drawings some are the most famous characters ever. Here’s your 2019 guide to Kawaii characters.
This trendy new diet combo of paleo and vegan is being touted as the worlds healthiest diet. What is the pegan diet? AvoToasted answers all your questions here.